Congress, Course and Meetings
202522feb(feb 22)23:2323(feb 23)23:23FUSIONOrthognathic Surgery Course
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Orthognathic Surgery Course Program from Planning to Surgery
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Orthognathic Surgery Course Program from Planning to Surgery
Fairmont Quasar İstanbul
202401jun08:3302(jun 2)20:33SYMPHONYSurgical Approach to Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
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Many studies are conducted by doctors from various branches of medicine to treat temporomandibular joint disorders. In the same way that a “symphony” is played by a group of instruments
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Many studies are conducted by doctors from various branches of medicine to treat temporomandibular joint disorders. In the same way that a “symphony” is played by a group of instruments playing in one orchestra, TMJ issues are treated by a team made up of professionals from various disciplines. During this symposium, to explain the role of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in TMJ cases, a course addressed to maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, prosthetists, and physiotherapists was conducted, touching on topics such as arthroscopy, arthrocentesis, TMJ disc replacement, the approach to TMJ fractures, condylar hyperplasia, and idiopathic condylar resorption.
The Grand Tarabya
202427jan(jan 27)15:4028(jan 28)15:40FUSIONOrthognathic Surgery Course
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Orthognathic Surgery Course Program from Planning to Surgery REGISTER
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Orthognathic Surgery Course Program from Planning to Surgery
Fairmont Quasar Hotel
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Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneğimizin bu yıl düzenlenecek olan 30. Uluslararası Kongresinde yine alanında uzman pek çok yerli ve yabancı konuşmacıyı dinleme fırsatı bulacağız.
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Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneğimizin bu yıl düzenlenecek olan 30. Uluslararası Kongresinde yine alanında uzman pek çok yerli ve yabancı konuşmacıyı dinleme fırsatı bulacağız.
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During the 16th National Congress organised by the FPCD (Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahi Derneği – Facial Plastic Surgery Association), presented a paper on the indicators
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During the 16th National Congress organised by the FPCD (Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahi Derneği – Facial Plastic Surgery Association), presented a paper on the indicators and timing of orthognathic surgery entitled “Orthognathic Surgery: When and How?”, followed by a panel in which the issue of orthognathic surgery. in general, was discussed.
202220nov13:3017:00TDB Temporomandibular Joint SymposiumThe Surgical Approach to TMJ Disorders
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During the 26th International Scientific Congress of the TDB (Türk Dişhekimleri Birliği – Turkish Dentist Union), presented a paper entitled “Current Approaches to
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During the 26th International Scientific Congress of the TDB (Türk Dişhekimleri Birliği – Turkish Dentist Union), presented a paper entitled “Current Approaches to Orthognathic Surgery”.
Dentists in their clinical practice often encounter acquired or congenital dentofacial deformations. The diagnosis and treatment of these disorders require the active participation of dentists, specialists in maxillofacial surgery, and orthodontists. As dentofacial deformations affect in combination the teeth, jawbones, and other anatomic features making up the face, they are treated not only as an aesthetical issue but also as an etiological factor in complicated health issues such as chewing disorders, respiratory complications, growth and development issues, and temporomandibular joint disorders.
The purpose of the presentation was to share the current approaches to orthognathic surgery methods used to treat dentofacial deformations with dentists, maxillofacial surgery specialists, and orthodontists working in the field. The paper for the 26th Internal Scientific Congress of the TDB (Türk Dişhekimleri Birliği – Turkish Dentist Union) entitled “Current Approaches to Orthognathic Surgery,” presented the complementary surgical procedures such as surgical procedures conducted using special operation guides produced with digital surgical planning and 3D design and production technology, as well as fat graft procedures and facial implants done using multiple-segment osteotomy.
202208nov(nov 8)15:0210(nov 10)15:02TAOMSTAOMS Current 3D Applications in OMFS
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At the 29th International Scientific Congress of TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association), presented a paper
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At the 29th International Scientific Congress of TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association), presented a paper entitled “Current 3D Applications in Maxillofacial Surgery Practice”.
Technological developments play a crucial role in the current maxillofacial surgery practice. Thanks to these developments, the accumulation of knowledge regarding 3D design and production techniques, and the increased interest in the topic on behalf of surgeons, we benefit from these methods in many different fields. In this presentation, a case-based evaluation was conducted of state-of-the-art 3D design and production technologies used in the fields of orthognathic surgery, temporomandibular joint surgery, tumour surgery, and implantology. The positive and negative contributions of these methods to our field of work were also presented.
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During the 3rd International Scientific Congress organised by the Aegean University, talked about current approaches to surgical treatments of odontogenic tumours. Shared especially the current knowledge about the use of
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During the 3rd International Scientific Congress organised by the Aegean University, talked about current approaches to surgical treatments of odontogenic tumours. Shared especially the current knowledge about the use of custom osteotomy guides and custom jaw prostheses in the treatment of such diseases.
202208sep(sep 8)12:4211(sep 11)12:42TDB CongressCurrent Approaches in Orthognathic Surgery
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Presented the current approaches to planning and treatment in orthognathic surgery at the 26th International Scientific Congress of the TDB (Türk Dişhekimleri Birliği –
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Presented the current approaches to planning and treatment in orthognathic surgery at the 26th International Scientific Congress of the TDB (Türk Dişhekimleri Birliği – Turkish Dentist Union). Detailed information was provided on 3D planning systems and surgical methods used in the treatment of complex anomalies.
202219jun12:1712:17IADSSurgical Approaches to Maxillofacial Fractures: Hands-on Course
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During the Surgical Approaches to Maxillofacial Fractures Course organised by IADS (International Association of Dental Students), provided theoretical lectures on jaw and face fracture
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During the Surgical Approaches to Maxillofacial Fractures Course organised by IADS (International Association of Dental Students), provided theoretical lectures on jaw and face fracture treatment as well as a hands-on course in fracture treatment applications addressed to the international group of surgical assistants and dentistry students who plan to continue their career as jaw surgeons.
202204jun(jun 4)12:3305(jun 5)12:33SYMPHONYSurgical Approach to Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
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Many studies are conducted by doctors from various branches of medicine to treat temporomandibular joint disorders. In the same way that a “symphony” is played by a group of instruments
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Many studies are conducted by doctors from various branches of medicine to treat temporomandibular joint disorders. In the same way that a “symphony” is played by a group of instruments playing in one orchestra, TMJ issues are treated by a team made up of professionals from various disciplines. During this symposium, to explain the role of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in TMJ cases, a course addressed to maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, prosthetists, and physiotherapists was conducted, touching on topics such as arthroscopy, arthrocentesis, TMJ disc replacement, the approach to TMJ fractures, condylar hyperplasia, and idiopathic condylar resorption.
202101oct08:3605(oct 5)08:36IADSBecoming a Maxillofacial Surgeon
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During a meeting organised by IADS (International Association of Dental Students), a presentation on the career of a maxillofacial surgeon was provided to students
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During a meeting organised by IADS (International Association of Dental Students), a presentation on the career of a maxillofacial surgeon was provided to students and assistants who want to specialise in maxillofacial surgery.
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Presented a paper on the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders using endoscopic approaches during the session of the Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial
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Presented a paper on the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders using endoscopic approaches during the session of the Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the 25th International Scientific Conference organised by EACMFS (European Association for Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery).
202027sep01octTAOMSFundamental Principles of Arthroscopic Temporomandibular Joint Surgery
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During the 27th International Scientific Congress organised by TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), gave
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During the 27th International Scientific Congress organised by TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), gave a speech on the fundamental principles of arthroscopic temporomandibular joint surgery.
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Within the scope of weekly educational seminars at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry, gave a speech on facelift applications from the perspective of maxillofacial surgery.
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Within the scope of weekly educational seminars at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry, gave a speech on facelift applications from the perspective of maxillofacial surgery.
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At the 13th National Conference organised by FPCD (Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahi Derneği – Association for Facial Plastic Surgery), presented a paper on orthognathic surgery
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At the 13th National Conference organised by FPCD (Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahi Derneği – Association for Facial Plastic Surgery), presented a paper on orthognathic surgery methods used in the treatment of dentofacial deformations.
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Presented a scientific paper on the place and importance of condyle fractures in maxillofacial trauma cases at the 13th National Conference organised by FPCD
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Presented a scientific paper on the place and importance of condyle fractures in maxillofacial trauma cases at the 13th National Conference organised by FPCD (Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahi Derneği – Association for Facial Plastic Surgery). The current approaches to the treatment of condyle fractures were explained as well.
201929nov(nov 29)08:5530(nov 30)08:55“The A-Z of Implantology” SymposiumThe Theory of Augmentation
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Presented a paper explaining what perspective is necessary to achieve ideal, functional, and aesthetic results in the treatment of patients with advanced bone atrophy at “The A-Z of Implantology” Symposium.
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Presented a paper explaining what perspective is necessary to achieve ideal, functional, and aesthetic results in the treatment of patients with advanced bone atrophy at “The A-Z of Implantology” Symposium. During the presentation, the philosophy behind augmentation was demonstrated using clinical cases.
201928apr(apr 28)09:0002may(may 2)09:00TAOMSInferior Alveolar Nerve Lateralisation
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During the 26th International Scientific Congress organised by TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), presented
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During the 26th International Scientific Congress organised by TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), presented a paper on the inferior alveolar nerve lateralisation operation which is used as one of the alternatives in the treatment of patients with bone insufficiency in the posterior mandibular region within the scope of the Young TAOMS Symposium.
201928apr(apr 28)08:5802may(may 2)08:58TAOMSThe Use for Iliac Bone in Maxillofacial Surgery
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During the 26th International Scientific Congress organised by TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) presented
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During the 26th International Scientific Congress organised by TAOMS (Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) presented a paper regarding the reconstruction practices in oral and maxillofacial surgery conducted using bone grafts obtained from donor areas outside the oral cavity.
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Presented a study exploring the influence of changes to hipbone after a reconstructive surgery using iliac crest as a donor on the ability of patients to walk during a scientific
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Presented a study exploring the influence of changes to hipbone after a reconstructive surgery using iliac crest as a donor on the ability of patients to walk during a scientific conference organised by AÇBİD (the Association of Mouth and Jaw-Face Surgery Union).
201705nov09:0309:03MOSAMandibular Fractures, Hands On
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At the meeting organised by MOSA (Work Group of Jaw Surgery Assistants), provided theoretical lectures on jaw and face fracture treatment as well as
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At the meeting organised by MOSA (Work Group of Jaw Surgery Assistants), provided theoretical lectures on jaw and face fracture treatment as well as a hands-on course in fracture treatment applications addressed to surgical assistants and dentistry students who plan to continue their careers as jaw surgeons.
201616oct09:1309:13AIAWhat If There Is No Bone?
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During a conference organised by AIA (Advanced Implantology Academy), gave a speech on what surgical interventions are available to create an implant when there
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During a conference organised by AIA (Advanced Implantology Academy), gave a speech on what surgical interventions are available to create an implant when there is not enough bone or there is no bone in one’s jaw.
201624aug09:0409:04TDBBasic and Advanced Augmentation Techniques in Oral Implantology
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Passed on the knowledge of basic and advanced techniques in oral implantology during a scientific congress organised by the TDB (Turkish Dentistry Union).
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Passed on the knowledge of basic and advanced techniques in oral implantology during a scientific congress organised by the TDB (Turkish Dentistry Union).
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Presented a study exploring the influence of changes to hipbone after a reconstructive surgery using iliac crest as a donor on the ability of patients to walk during a scientific
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Presented a study exploring the influence of changes to hipbone after a reconstructive surgery using iliac crest as a donor on the ability of patients to walk during a scientific conference organised by TAOMS (the Türk Oral ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği – Turkish Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery).
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Presented a study exploring the influence of changes to hipbone after a reconstructive surgery using iliac crest as a donor on the ability of patients to walk during a scientific
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Presented a study exploring the influence of changes to hipbone after a reconstructive surgery using iliac crest as a donor on the ability of patients to walk during a scientific conference organised by AÇBİD (the Association of Mouth and Jaw-Face Surgery Union).
201515nov09:1209:12USEDERReconstruction in Hypertrophic Jaws
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Presented a paper on surgical methods used to reconstruct jaws with extreme bone resorption caused by a variety of reasons at the conference organised by USEDER (Uluslararası Sağlık ve Eğitim
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Presented a paper on surgical methods used to reconstruct jaws with extreme bone resorption caused by a variety of reasons at the conference organised by USEDER (Uluslararası Sağlık ve Eğitim Derneği – International Association for Health and Education).
201517sep(sep 17)09:4419(sep 19)09:44SENAMECustom-Made Solutions for Maxillofacial Surgery
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At the conference organised by SENAME (South Europe, North Africa Middle East Implant Association), provided a presentation on the design and production of our
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At the conference organised by SENAME (South Europe, North Africa Middle East Implant Association), provided a presentation on the design and production of our patented work under the name of a custom-made osteotomy guide and soft tissue retractor, which was designed for the use in orthognathic surgery.
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Did a presentation on the clinical use of a custom-made osteotomy guide and soft tissue retractor which was designed during the Education Seminar at the Department of
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Did a presentation on the clinical use of a custom-made osteotomy guide and soft tissue retractor which was designed during the Education Seminar at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of Klinikum Osnabrück.
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Did a presentation on the approaches to maxillofacial reconstruction in the oral, dental and jaw surgery practice within the scope of Educational Seminars conducted
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Did a presentation on the approaches to maxillofacial reconstruction in the oral, dental and jaw surgery practice within the scope of Educational Seminars conducted by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University.
201502mar09:4909:49AIAAutogenous Bone Graft Practices in Implantology
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Did a presentation on autogenous bone graft practices in implantology during a conference organised by the AIA (Advanced Implantology Academy).
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Did a presentation on autogenous bone graft practices in implantology during a conference organised by the AIA (Advanced Implantology Academy).